Custom Furniture
Are you looking for a custom one of a kind piece of furniture for your home or business?
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We often tell people that if it’s made of wood we can do it. At the custom shop we utilize both contemporary and traditional construction methods that have been tried and true for generations of woodworkers.
This means that you can be sure that our furniture will stand up to the test of time.
Our custom furniture could save you thousands of dollars over the course of you or your businesses lifetime.
We understand that custom built furniture is truly an investment. In many cases you could easily spend less than half as much on furniture made of pressed wood chips (particle board) or even pressed sawdust (mdf)

You could easily go out and save some money by buying one of these kinds of pieces from many big names in the furniture industry and they will even look great for a while.
What many don’t know is that even some big name furniture manufacturers use cheap materials that will look great for a while but then through normal use these materials will quickly begin to deteriorate.
This will leave that once beautiful piece of furniture not only looking worse for wear, but because of the low quality materials it will actually make impossible to repair.

Ultimately this cheaper construction will end up costing you far more money in the long term.
At blueflamedecor we source the highest quality hardwoods, and use premium materials and finishes, ensuring that not only will our furniture last for decades, but it will look great for years as well.
Having said that, we know that not everyone can afford custom furniture. If this is something you think you might be interested in, click the link below to get started.
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