Our Story

Welcome to blueflamedecor and thank you so much for showing interest in our business!
blueflamedecor is a brand that is centered around delivering you, the customer, exactly what you need to complete your space. We specialize in quality, made to order, custom or pre-designed signs. So whether you want a sign right out of our catalog or you need something a little more specialized, we have you covered.
Cheyenne and i (Nate) met in youth group back when we were in junior high. For almost ten years after that our lives were filled with changes both good and bad as we grew up together. We went through high school and then college together. Cheyenne received a certificate in Bible and I received a bachelor in youth ministries. After college we were engaged, and then in the summer of 2018 we were finally married! building our faith, family, and our future together are things we work hard at every day. We work as youth leaders in our church and stay as active as we can pouring our lives into both the teens in our ministry as well as our friends. Our desire is to challenge others to live faithfully and encourage those who need it.
In addition to our volunteering in our local church. I work for a farm so my duties are many and varied. I have learned over the years to have confidence in my abilities and to never be afraid to try and learn a new skill. That approach to my work has allowed me to do everything from operating and working on machinery, to metal fabrication and welding, as well as woodworking. I credit God for giving me these abilities but also my dad for teaching me a great deal about working with both my head and my hands.
Cheyenne also works hard aside from her duties at home and at church. She is currently working nearly full time as a nanny and cleaning house for another family. In all of this she still finds time in her busy day to design and create all of the signs that you will see on our site. She has always had a flair for creative design but always struggled at having an outlet for this talent. blueflamedecor has given her just that. When you receive a sign from blueflamedecor you in many ways receive a part of who she is. She will always strive to please, and never fails to place all of her attention into each piece she makes.
Before our wedding in the summer of 2018 I (Nate) built a bed frame that would go in our home. During that process Cheyenne and I went back and forth on what kind of finish to put on it once the frame was completed. After much trial and error, we finally decided to burn it with a propane torch and then put a coat of polyurethane over it. The result was a gorgeous and unique finish that we both loved!
After the wedding and we were all moved in to our new home, Cheyenne got to work putting up decorations and wall art. She was looking for the perfect quote to go above the headboard, but what she wanted could not be found in any store. After a few months of frustration she finally decided that she would simply make her own. With no experience, but a lot of creativity, she bought a vinyl cutter and turned a great movie quote into a pair of perfectly matching signs. Naturally she had to post her handiwork to social media. After this, friends from all over the country were commenting and asking her to make them signs as well. We didn't know it then, but a business was slowly being formed.
We call it blueflamedecor because of the blue flame from our propane torch. It has become our signature in order to offer one of a kind pieces. There really is an art to burning wood, and no two pieces are ever exactly alike. We burn pieces to enhance the natural beauty of the wood without applying a stain.
Our vision for the future of blueflamedecor extends beyond wall art. Our desire is to add a line of home furniture in the near future as well. I (Nate) have already begun a bedroom set, as well as a dining room set. We look forward to offering our own furniture line soon. Our goal will always be to satisfy our customers and to offer one-of-a-kind quality pieces at an affordable price.